August 8th is National Zucchini Day

August 8th is National Zucchini Day

Celebrate by Sneaking Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch!
August 01, 2014
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Delicious, nutritious, and fast-growing zucchini is one of America‘s favorite veggies. It‘s a healthy addition to a wide range of meals, and is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Grill it, grate it up to make fritters, chop it into stews and curries, or even shave it into thin strips as an exciting low-carb substitute for pasta sheets in your next lasagna.

However, the zucchini harvest is so rich at this time of year it can be hard to keep up with picking and eating them all! Celebrate the versatile zucchini on August 8th by leaving some of your excess “green baseball bats” on your neighbor‘s porch for them to enjoy. Just make sure you knock on their door first, and don‘t sneak up on their property and give them a fright in the middle of the night.

We’re unsure the exact origin of this unexpected and strangely named event; but around North America zucchini growers celebrate August 8th as a chance to give a homegrown gift to neighbors and friends, and also offload the zucchini they would never have been able to eat anyway!

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August 8th is National Zucchini Day
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