Gas vs Electric Lawn Mowers

Gas vs Electric Lawn Mowers

Is it time to get an electric lawn mower?
February 16, 2023
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Deciding between whether to go with the traditional gas-powered lawn equipment – or whether the grass is truly greener on the electric side? Fortunately, all the answers you'll ever need are here, to help you decide what will ultimately suit your needs best! To help make the decision easier, we have broken down the argument into a list of pros and cons for each type of mower.

Gas lawn mowers present a serious advantage in terms of overall range and durability and not needing spare batteries

Is a Gas Lawn Mower Better Than an Electric?

Over the last decade, electric motors have not only become more and more advanced, but more and more readily available – which means less cash coming out of your wallet! But which is actually better? Do gas lawn mowers still hold an advantage?

Gas-powered lawn mowers do need maintenance more often for oil and fuel changes but in some ways is cheaper than electric

Pros of Gas Lawn Mowers

  • Can generally run for longer periods of time (depending on usage and needs)
  • Will never require a power cord as some electric models do
  • Won't need a costly replacement battery after a few years
  • Usually come with a better build quality, constructed of metal and/or stronger plastics
  • Replacement parts are cheaper than parts for an electric model
  • Cheaper to buy than electric models, and have more variety & versions(i.e. push, ride-on, etc.)
  • Cons of Gas Lawn Mowers

  • More harmful to the environment, and emit more carbon emissions because of gasoline consumption
  • Maintenance can be expensive and costly if something breaks or needs repairing – especially motor related issues
  • Produce more sound and are louder than electric mowers
  • Do Electric Motors Reign Supreme?

    This is an important question, especially where we are in the state of all things renewable energy and advanced technology to better suit our needs. Is it easier to bite the bullet on an electric model for slightly less powerful performance but more environmental and maintenance savings?

    Electric lawn mowers still have impressive range despite spare battery restrictions and needing to be recharged

    Pros of Electric Lawn Mowers

  • Zero carbon emissions due to an electric motor
  • Much, much quieter, to the point where it can even be used at night without fear of waking children or neighbors
  • Lower associated maintenance costs (i.e. oil, fuel changes, motor parts, etc.)
  • Easier to maneuver on your lawn and around structures due to its lower weight and materials
  • Cons of Electric Lawn Mowers

  • Battery is limited to a shorter time period overall (again, depending on usage and needs)
  • Weaker build material like plastic can mean a less rugged machine – but ultimately this can depend on model-to-model
  • Replacement batteries as a stand-alone can be expensive
  • Corded models mean you are limited to a specific distance from the source of its electricity
  • Less power overall than gas-powered models
  • Despite popular thinking, electric lawn mower batteries are quite large and will last for a great deal of time while mowing

    Some other considerations...

    The overall cost difference between purchasing a gas or electric lawn mower is really hard to pinpoint, because often there are models for both electric and gas models that are evenly priced. But if you compare two similar-featured lawn mowers, electric models will generally be slightly more expensive, because of the technology and the novelty of it – which, as mentioned before, is becoming more of a standard.

    But, one important thing to remember when purchasing an electric model lawn mower that you wouldn't have to consider with a gas-powered model is an extra 1-2 spare batteries. Having spare batteries can make a world of difference if you're trying to mow your lawn, and suddenly your lawn mower dies on you. Some lawn mowers have larger batteries by default to negate this need for spares, and this necessity depends on your lawn's density and how much of a lawn there is to cut in the first place.

    A good idea is to always have spare batteries for your electric lawn mower, whether your lawn is large or small

    So, which is better? Gas or Electric?

    Everyone's situations are different, so all of our needs are also going to different. Some people have larger lawns that can sprawl acres, whilst others have a lawn that only goes from one side of their front yard, to the other. But we've owned gas-powered push and ride-on lawn mowers, and electric push lawn mowers, and our only complaint was the need for spare batteries with the electric model. In terms of utility, there is virtually no difference at all.

    Objectively, if you need a larger, heavier-duty lawn mower, your money is best spent on a gas lawn mower, at least until technology advances enough for ride-on electric lawn mowers to become available and mainstream enough that the price isn't as astronomical as it is right now. However, if you plan on getting a push lawn mower, or have a smaller lawn to mow, an electric lawn mower can not only save you some extra cash in the long run (thanks to less maintenance costs), but also help the environment a little bit too. And for any of your lawn mower-related concerns, we have plenty of OEM lawn mower parts to suit any particular issue you might have with your lawn equipment!

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    If you want something done right, watch Mark Sodja do it, and then do it yourself. Mark has starred in more than a thousand online repair videos for, where he works as a small engine and power tool technician. When he's not behind the camera, he's behind the counter helping customers in person repair their equipment.
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