How to Fix the High-Limit Thermostat for a Dryer When Your Clothes Come Out Wrinkled

If your clothes are coming out of your dryer overly wrinkled, it may be an issue with the high-limit thermostat within your appliance. The high-limit thermostat is in charge of completely turning off the heat within the dryer if the temperature is too hot, as a safety feature. If the high-limit thermostat is not working properly or has been opened due to a heating issue, the outcome may be an incomplete cycle and wrinkled, damp, or otherwise unfinished clothes. To help you with this entire process, our following repair guide will lead you throughout the entire repair!

What is a High-Limit Thermostat?

A high-limit thermostat is a safety device within the temperature system of your dryer. It will generally appear as metal with contacts and protruding ‘terminals’ encased in a blacked material. Its default state when your dryer is working properly is “closed.” When the temperature in your dryer is detected as being abnormally high (normally around 250 degrees Fahrenheit), the high-limit thermostat “opens” and turns off the heating element. The high-limit thermostat will reset after it’s been opened/tripped, but will serve as a sign of an underlying issue. Most notably, the high-limit thermostat can be triggered by a blocked vent or poor ventilation, so be sure to investigate your dryer’s venting before diagnosing this thermostat.

Where is the High-Limit Thermostat Located?

The high-limit thermostat, like the operating/cycling thermostat, is located on or near the heating element or exhaust of your dryer. For help finding the specific location on your model, refer to the user manual, but we have put a general guide to where you can likely find your high-limit thermostat below.

General Location of the High-Limit Thermostat in a Dryer

A 3D diagram showing the components of a dryer and specifying the location of the high-limit thermostat


During the repair process, make sure to take pictures of any wired parts so you can easily see how to reconnect them after you’ve replaced the specific part.

How to Access, Remove, and Inspect the High-Limit Thermostat in a Dryer

  1. First, you’ll want to simply remove the back panel and the thermostat should be located near the heating element housing or vent.
  2. Locate the thermostat and unscrew the securing screws.
  3. Remove any wires connected to the thermostat.

How to Test the High-Limit Thermostat

To test your high-limit thermostat for complete functioning, you’ll want to check it for continuity using a multimeter.

  1. Set your multimeter to continuity mode.
  2. Using the two probes from the multimeter, touch them to each side of the thermostat’s terminals.
  3. If there’s no visual or audible indication of continuity when touching those terminals, it’s likely that your hi-limit thermostat is bad and needs replacing.

How to Install a New High-Limit Thermostat

  1. Insert your new thermostat and screw the securing screws back onto it.
  2. Reconnect any wires to the new thermostat.
  3. Connect the back panel to the dryer with its securing screws, and your repair is now complete!

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