How To Repair Stump Grinder Drive System

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If the drive system on your stump grinder does not work, a broken belt may be the cause. A self-propelled grinder relies on a belt drive system to turn the wheels when engaged. These belts can wear over time and break. A broken belt will stop the drive system from working completely. To check to see if a broken belt is causing this issue, remove the belt cover. If one of the belts under the cover has snapped or slipped off of its pulley, it will need to be replaced and reinstalled. If all of the belts seem to be connected and are sitting in their proper place, there may be an issue with the engagement cable.

Engagement Cable

The engagement cable acts like a clutch, in a way. When disengaged, the engine is allowed to run without being forced to rotate the drive system. When the drive handle is engaged, the engagement cable tightens and prompts the idler assembly to engage and start powering the drive system. The engagement cable runs from the operator controls by the handlebars and into the back of the machine. If the cable is broken or has become detached, it will need to be repaired or replaced. Sometimes the engagement cable simply needs to be adjusted to the right tension in order to continue working. If there is a lot of slack on the engagement cable line, try tightening it at the end that connects into the engine. If after adjusting or replacing the cable, the drive system still will not engage, there may be an issue with the drive belt.

Idler Assembly

If the drive system still will not work after inspecting the engagement cable and drive belt, inspect the idler assembly to ensure that the belt is being kept under proper tension. If the idler is misaligned or not functioning properly, it may not be able to engage the belt with enough force to cause it to turn and drive the machine. This mechanism can wear over time and will need to be adjusted eventually.

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